To accept the fact that the aging process is irreversible is easier than prove the opposite. Nevertheless, the American endocrinologist, a researcher of the natural capabilities of the human body, Dipak Choprah has been arguing with this stereotype for several years.
To accept the fact that the aging process is irreversible is easier than prove the opposite. Nevertheless, the American endocrinologist, a researcher of the natural capabilities of the human body, Dipak Choprah has been arguing with this stereotype for several years. His new book teaches to actively resist aging. At first glance, the tips and recommendations that the author gives us are not original: he calls not to neglect rest and sleep;take care of your body, engaged in physical education;Healthy food. The difference is that the recommendations of Dipac Chopra are based on eastern Ayurvedic traditions and discoveries of quantum physics. This allows us to take a different look at the capabilities of our own body and reason, to open an internal source of vital energy and creative forces.
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